Jeremy Corbyn

From Liberpédia

Socialiste britannique, grand ami des terroristes, antisémite notoire :

Antisémitisme au sein de son parti

"un organisme indépendant ... avait conclu.. à des défaillances "inexcusables" résultant d'un "manque de volonté de s'attaquer à l'antisémitisme".... Cette décision a été renversée par le comité des différends [de] l'instance dirigeante du parti. "
Antisémitisme : Jeremy Corbyn réintégré au sein du Parti travailliste britannique
These guidelines matter. They will be used by Labour to decide the cases of a huge backlog of members who have been accused of anti-Semitism and whose chances of escaping disciplinary action have now been immeasurably aided.
Britain’s Labour adopts its own controversial definition of anti-Semitism
Following a consultation - and widespread criticism - Labour subsequently adopted the full IHRA definition and examples, along with an accompanying statement that "this will not in any way undermine freedom of expression on Israel or the rights of Palestinians".
Critics have said the addition of a "caveat" undermines the IHRA definition - but Labour says it is intended to reassure members they can be critical of Israel without being anti-Semitic.
Mr Corbyn proposed a longer additional statement - which would have allowed criticism of the foundation of the state of Israel as a racist endeavour - but this was not accepted by the party's ruling executive.
A guide to Labour Party anti-Semitism claims

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