Fishy Fisher

From Liberpédia
Révision datée du 24 January 2017 à 03:11 par Turion (discussion | contribs)

Irving "Fishy" Fisher est l'inventeur de la pifonoécométrie

Les problèmes d'alcool de Fishy Fisher

Esclavagiste-absurdiste, il était partisan de la prohibition d'alcool (XVIIIe amendement).

Fisher's estimate was based on uncontrolled experiments on the effect of alcohol on industrial efficiency. These experiments were made on one to five individuals who took strong doses of alcohol on an empty stomach before beginning work. These "studies," some of which were based solely on the effects of alcohol on the experimenter himself, found that average efficiency was reduced by 2 percent per drink.

Vilfredo Pareto wrote Fisher an eight-page letter in which he spoke scornfully of the "adversaries of mathematical methods;" and praised Fisher's distinction between utility of "that which cannot be useful, and that which is really useful."[7] It was this distinction that Fisher used later in the analysis of alcohol consumption.

Up to this point it is unneces- sary to quarrel with Fisher's argument; but now follows a jump that neatly avoids all the difficulties of the problem. That is to say, Fisher simply continues, as if he were ~tating something quite self- evident: 'Then the utility ofthe 150th loafis said to be halfthe utility of the looth.' Without any further explanation he then calmly proceeds with his problem, the solution of which (if the above pro- position is accepted as correct) involves no further difficulties,

Fishy Fisher vs Mises