« Institut Constant de Rebecque » : différence entre les versions

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[[en:Institut Constant de Rebecque]]

Revision as of 8 July 2006 à 19:47


The Institut Constant de Rebecque is a Swiss free-market, classical liberal and libertarian think tank founded in january 2005 in Lausanne, named after writer and political philosopher Benjamin Constant. It is active in issues such as institutional competition, tax policy, health care and education.

It publishes a regular chronicle in Bilan (Swiss economic bi-monthly). Articles from its members have also appeared in Le Temps, L'Agefi, Tech Central Station and the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons [1]. In october 2005, it launched the Center for Tax Competition, a monitoring and analytical center on tax policy. It has also collaborated on some projects with another swiss classical liberal think tank, the Liberales Institut.

Notable associates

