Conflit israélo-arabe

From Liberpédia
Révision datée du 21 November 2018 à 19:37 par Turion (discussion | contribs) (→‎Propriétés juives dans les pays arabes =)
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Rappels historiques

Propriété privée

  • Propriété privée et non collective

Interdiction de vendre des Terres aux juifs

Propriétés juives dans les pays arabes



The British, in return for mobilizing the Arab peoples against their oppressors of imperial Turkey, promised the Arabs their independence when the war was over. But, at the same time, the British government, with characteristic double-dealing, was promising Arab Palestine as a « National Home » for organized Zionism. These promises were not on the same moral plane: for in the former case, the Arabs were being promised their own land freed from Turkish domination; and in the latter, world Zionism was being promised a land most emphatically not its own.
... Zionism had succeeded in carving out a European Jewish State, over Arab territory in the Middle East.
... Historians are wont to describe the ensuing war as an invasion of Israel by the Arab states, heroically rebuffed by Israel, but since all of the fighting took place on Arab territory, this interpretation is clearly incorrect.
Rothbard, War Guilt in the Middle East

Exemple typique de raisonnment nationaliste, collectiviste, par propriété collective.

The UN agreement had provided (a) that Jerusalem be internationalized under UN rule, and (b) that there be an economic union between the new Jewish and Arab Palestine states. These were the basic conditions under which the UN approved partition. Both were promptly and brusquely disregarded by Israel--thus launching an escalating series of aggressions against the Arabs of the Middle East.
From that day to this, for two decades, these hapless Arab refugees, their ranks now swollen by natural increase to 1.3 million, have continued to live in utter destitution in refugee camps around the Israeli borders, barely kept alive by meagre UN funds and CARE packages, living only for the day when they will return to their rightful homes.
In the areas of Palestine originally assigned to the Arabs, no Palestinian Arab government remained. The acknowledged leader of the Palestinian Arabs, their GrandMufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, was summarily deposed by the long-time British tool, King Abdullah of Trans-jordan, who simply confiscated the Arab regions of east-central Palestine, as well as the Old City of Jerusalem. (King Abdullah's Arab Legion had been built, armed. staffed, and even beaded by such colonialist British officers as Glubb Pasha.)
Of course, this is a long-run rhreat only, because to carry it out the Arabs would have to overthrow all of their stagnant reactionary monarchies and form a united pan-Arab nation--for the splits into nation-States in the Arab world are the consequence of the artificial machinations and depredations of British and French imperialism.
The acknowledged leader of the Palestinian Arabs, their Grand Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, was summarily deposed by the long-time British tool, King Abdullah of Trans-jordan, who simply confiscated the Arab regions of east-central Palestine, as well as the Old City of Jerusalem.
Is there any difference at all between this kind of attitude and that of the Nazi persecutors of the Jews whom our press has been attacking, day in and day out, for well over twenty years?
Shorn of Western influence and Western imperialism, that harmony can reign once more.
If she did that, then peace and harmony and justice would at last reign in that tortured region.

Ou plutôt : sans Israël, la région serait, soit une dictature islamiste appauvrie de plus, soit en proie à la guerre civile comme la Syrie voisine, soit en guerre entre Jordanie et Égypte (qui après tout en avaient chacune une partie de 1948 jusqu'en 1967) ?

“It’s strange for us that Israel is more humanitarian than our Arab brothers. I once even heard people saying they hope that Israel would include this area in the Golan,” he adds.

Terrorisme subventionné


Création contre destruction

Le Hamas, organisation terroriste, qui détruit les terres sur lesquelles elle prétendrait régner

Plus jamais ça : éviter un deuxième holocauste

Propagande et désinformation médiatique


Organisations terroristes

Prisons insraéliennes

Attentats terroristes