Jeremy Corbyn

From Liberpédia
Révision datée du 17 July 2022 à 18:53 par Turion (discussion | contribs)

Socialiste britannique, grand ami des terroristes, antisémite notoire:

"un organisme indépendant ... avait conclu.. à des défaillances "inexcusables" résultant d'un "manque de volonté de s'attaquer à l'antisémitisme".... Cette décision a été renversée par le comité des différends [de] l'instance dirigeante du parti. "
Antisémitisme : Jeremy Corbyn réintégré au sein du Parti travailliste britannique
These guidelines matter. They will be used by Labour to decide the cases of a huge backlog of members who have been accused of anti-Semitism and whose chances of escaping disciplinary action have now been immeasurably aided.
Britain’s Labour adopts its own controversial definition of anti-Semitism
Following a consultation - and widespread criticism - Labour subsequently adopted the full IHRA definition and examples, along with an accompanying statement that "this will not in any way undermine freedom of expression on Israel or the rights of Palestinians".
Critics have said the addition of a "caveat" undermines the IHRA definition - but Labour says it is intended to reassure members they can be critical of Israel without being anti-Semitic.
Mr Corbyn proposed a longer additional statement - which would have allowed criticism of the foundation of the state of Israel as a racist endeavour - but this was not accepted by the party's ruling executive.
A guide to Labour Party anti-Semitism claims

Thus in today’s Labour party, it is possible to argue that Israel is a Nazi-like state that should be wiped from the map, and that any Jews who say otherwise are probably paid by Israel to do so, and not be hauled up for antisemitism.

Labour’s antisemitism code exposes a sickness in Jeremy Corbyn’s party
Corbyn's wreath at Munich terrorists' graves: Photos show Labour leader at tribute event for Palestine 'martyrs'... including plotters behind 1972 slaughter of Israeli Olympic athletes
Jewish leaders demand explanation over Corbyn book foreword

Before becoming Labour leader he called 1902 book containing antisemitic tropes ‘brilliant’

3 UK Peers quit Labour amid party’s anti-Semitism woes Three lawmakers resigned from Britain’s Labour party over its spiraling anti-Semitism problem.

David Triesman and Leslie Arnold Turnberg, who are Jewish, and Ara Darzi, who is not, announce on Tuesday their resignation from Labour. They will stay on as independents in the House of Lords, the upper house.

The party is no longer “a safe environment” for Jewish people, Triesman writes in his resignation letter, which came amid growing conflict inside Labour over external scrutiny of the proliferation of anti-Semitic hate in the party’s ranks. “My sad conclusion is that the Labour party is very plainly institutionally anti-Semitic,” he adds.

As “an Armenian survivor of the Armenian genocide,” writes Darzi, in his resignation letter, he has no tolerance for any “discrimination against religion or race.”

Labour under Jeremy Corbyn, a far-left politician who was elected its leader in 2015, is under investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the British government’s watchdog on racism, for its handling of thousands of complaints and incidents involving hate speech and, in some cases, hate crimes.

Hundreds of Labour members, including some 20 lawmakers, have left Labour over what they called tolerance of anti-Semitism.


ISRAEL'S FOREIGN MINISTER SAYS HE HOPES CORBYN ISN’T ELECTED Document lists 9 instances of anti-Semitism by Corbyn among thousands in Labour 53-page report by Jewish Labour Movement says UK opposition party features ‘endemic, institutional anti-Semitism,’ accuses its leader of anti-Jewish bias

Only six percent of Jews, pre-election polls suggested, planned to vote Labour. Nearly half said they would have “seriously considered” emigrating if Corbyn – a man 87% of those polled believe is an anti-Semite – had become prime minister.


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